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This was fun to read! You have some great ideas about how to solve the unhappy marriage problem! Like "a society (or a marriage) where all adults are armed is going to be a more polite society (or marriage)"

"I repeat, the vast majority of Oogie and Boogie’s descendants in 2030 will continue to marry and have children". Maybe Randy, but again: The baby boomers are leaving the show! The generations to keep this raft afloat are soooo few people! Even if they marry and have a couple of kids, it wont help! A country you know will loose half of its population, and you will experience it! What do you think happens then?

Urbanisation - some leaders forgot to read Durkheim before they started that experiment. The UN just published a report, saying we will be 11.2 billion in 2100. No, no, no. They are wrong! The world willl never reach 9 billion people.

This is a good one:

"...that clause happily ever after means having breakfast with the same partner for decades… and with no relief in sight".

And this one!!

“I’m never going to get involved with a married man again! You just can’t trust them!”

Back to statistics in Western digital smart phone societies, Randy: A few men have a lot of partners. They are tall, well educated and earn good money. And they are married. Then, a lot of young men are incels. The modern well educated women are not interested in them, not even a date.

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